Thursday 3 May 2007


Porn, is it a bad thing?
Well, most men what state that porn is the best thing since sliced bread with butter, and most women would turn around and say that they think that it is disgusting and is wrong. So, now we have the stereotype ideas out of the way, lets get down to it.
Many would consider porn as an industry, that generates billions of dollars a year through the sales of merchandise, T.V channels and internet sites. It generates jobs and careers for people, people who believe that they can then call them selves a ’porn star’.
Yet, not all people see porn as an industry, or an honest industry at least . Many think that it is an industry that exploits, abuses and then finally abandons their young ‘stars‘. Once they reach and then pass their peck in their career they are abandoned by the major money making industry to fend for themselves, usually with not much to show for their contribution to the industry, in terms of money.
People believe that directors of porn take advantage of the youngsters that come into the industry, and then those that are vulnerable and know no better. They start promising them fame and fortune and everything else that they could ever want. Then they begin to tell them that they must do x y and z in order to reach the fame and fortune that they so want. This can then lead to extremes which can, and does, leave people scared from the experiences.
However, others have a neutral grounding on porn. Porn is a huge industry that generates jobs and billions of dollars, thus gives the industry power. If the industry does not abuse its power and influence then there is no disagreement for some people, “as long as its not exploitative then its Okay” (Lisa Waltho).
I did attempt to find stories of how the porn industry as used and abused young people into participating in acts that they didn’t want to, however, all I found was advertisements for free porn sites. This takes me to my next point that porn is now everywhere, and in most cases free. But what does this say about us as a society, that we can not feel satisfied with just sex from our partner? That we must look for some alternative form of pleasure? This article shows one view, which I think is very relevant and made me laugh through the truth that it brings forward,

In conclusion, something that I find strange is that, nearly everyone has seen porn in some form or another, many of us possible own some version of porn, yet most of us would be embarrassed to admit to it. Porn is everywhere, yet, like masturbation, we are embarrassed to admit to it.

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