Friday 4 May 2007

Bad Comedians

What makes a comedian good, or bad? Is their any such thing as a good or bad comedian? If so then what classifies them as good or bad? Can we call Chubby Brown a good comedian against Peter Kay? Both comedians can be said to make us laugh, yet both have different audiences to entertain. Chubby Brown has an audience that appreciates his sick humour. However is it sick humour? In a society such as today, is he being racist etc or is he just voicing his opinion? Everyone has a voice of opinion in to days society, thus should his be looked down on any differently? Perhaps it should, his opinion, is not placed in private but publicly on stage. He is also making fun of others to fund his living. Is he really just a low class politician? He is voicing his opinion public ally and getting paid for it.
What is true is that, when people attending his performances, he does not get people laughing at him and his ’comedy’ but people cheer, as though the event is something political, reflecting a rally of some sort. It is not a political event, its stand up comedy! He is a comedian, not a politician, people get confused.
Chubby Brown is considered a bad comedian because he uses offensive material and taboos of society to fuel his material and crowd, this offensive, which what this country is trying to disband, is what is funding this person’s livelihood. Peter Kay is considered a good comedian, he rarely swears, and entertains the whole family with his stand up. Although, but they both have a social following o as long as they produce the material that their 'public' want to hear then it shouldn’t be a problem

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