Sunday 29 April 2007


There are many things in to days society that we can fall victim to and become an addict. Drugs, alcohol and smoking. However, one thing that seems to be missed out on many occasions, yet can be equally as dangerous, is gambling.
Gambling, is seemingly everywhere in our modern society. In every town there is must at least be on ‘Quick Silver’ or ‘Play’, gambling centres, where we can stop off into on the way round town to attempt to win ‘a couple of quid’. We even have a capital gambling city, Las Vegas. Las Vegas is world known for its huge casinos and gambling centres, just check out this web site;,

Every bloody hotel has a casino attached to it. The thing is, people will save for years just for the one chance to take a holiday here, years! Yet, we don’t really even need to leave the comfort of our own home now to gamble. We can do it twenty four seven over the internet, every other pop up is either asking us to join a porn or gambling site.
It seems that gambling, although can be as addictive as a drug, is seen as just another social norm. I mean, in every gangster film there seems to be a casino or card game scene. A ‘Bond’ film wouldn’t be a ‘Bond’ film if it didn’t have some card game in it.
Yet, why do people do it, why do people gamble? The risk, in my opinion is just to high if you become addicted. People have lost their homes, jobs and family’s to fund their addiction. Gambling can take over peoples lives.
On the other hand, with some form of gambling everywhere we turn, there is really no surprise why the temptation for people is so high.
We, I don’t gamble, don’t even have a go on the lottery (which yes, is a form of gambling). I couldn’t even tell you how to use the machines in the pubs, yet I wouldn’t want to start either. Yes, it would be great to win so much money, but a sad shame to loose so much.

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