Tuesday 8 May 2007


"15 March 2007
Bondage prt deux
ok sorry but i had to put this pic to show what many people consider asd improper sex and needless violence in the bedroom


Ok, that was Gordon’s random picture of bondage, and this reinforces my point that I made about our modern society and porn. Women have to do more now in their sex life, in this modern society then they had to 30 years ago. 30 years ago, men were turned on by women showing a boob, now we don’t buy anything in a cloths shop if it isn’t showing some boobs! Going back to the picture, people get off on this sort of stuff but why? It’s strange and some would say that it is down to the male mind and porn.
However, sometimes it’s not the male’s idea, some women enjoy this stuff. So maybe, 30 years ago, women were also as ‘dirty’ as men’s minds, yet they just didn’t want to come out with it?

"SMOKING is it bad ?????

and the answer is .... NOOOOOO!!!

its just another bloody excuse for you liberal lefty "people" to moan about something else in the world because you lot have nothing to do in your spare time.

all we ever here is anti smoking this and anti smoking that well........

what about an advert promoting ciggerettes for the youth of today 'cause surly they wont want to do it then because it wouldnt be rebellious!!!


Again another one of Gordon’s ideas. Why doesn’t the government want a smoking society, because it damages health, not just the smokes but the people around them too (check out the website that I put up for damage smoking causes). The government wants a help nation so that it has a health, long living work force, which maintains the country’s stability in the world. When the smoking ban comes in, the idea is that it will encourage less people to smoke, people lifestyles will become healthier, thus a healthier nation! Face it Gordon, smoking is bad!
Binge Drinking Youngsters

"Underage drinking is a bit of an issue at present. The government fear that drinking underage will possibly cause alcohol dependency in later life, and so they are trying to prevent it. Most people I know started drinking before they were 18, myself included; its almost expected today, but the age people are starting to drink at is getting younger and younger.

I was 14 when I first started going out and hanging around the streets, drinking. There used to be a really big group of us that would meet up on a field by where I live and just get drunk. At the time when I was doing it I didn't think much of it, the police would often come to us and try to move us on due to complaints from people who lived near by, but we would have none of it. When I think back to the fights and arguments that took place and how loud we must have been, it was bad really. Its scary how much alcohol can change you, hence the reason why a lot of the times our weekly binge sessions would turn to violence.
This kind of behaviour that I once indulged in is the kind that can get you an ASBO nowadays. Hooliganism and violent acts such as rape and murder, take place because of underage drinking, where people get out of control. When I think about what I and others have put our livers through, it was probably not the most sensible thing to do, but I think this kind of behaviour is getting much worse.
I don't really regret hanging around the streets drinking, because I think its just part of growing up, almost like "a right of passage!", although its not really acceptable"

Something from Nat there, and she is right. Binge drinking is an issue, for the nation as a whole but especially in youngsters at the present. I mean at the moment I’m writing this my little brother who is 17 is texting me asking me if he can come to the club with me tonight. I know full well that he is going to get as pissed as a tart and have a smashing hangover in the morning. However, I’ll let him come in with me. Why? Well he has got to learn one way or another that drinking is not the only way that he can enjoy a night out. You don’t have to get so drunk that you can’t stand and then have a good fight and a kebab on the way home to enjoy your self. Yet I know that if he is out with me then I know where he is, if he goes out somewhere else, then I can’t keep an eye on him.
Anyway, my point is that kids have to learn, as did we, that drinking is the only way to have a good night, regardless what sort of actions the government imposes, kids are still going to drink.

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