Tuesday 24 April 2007

Being too religious

In my opinion, I have nothing wrong with people being apart of a faith/religion, whether they are strongly devoted or not. There is nothing wrong with people practicing an organised religion. The problem, for most people I believe, is when people are pestered and harassed, in extreme cases, by others, in an attempt to convert people to their way of thinking. This is when we get the problem of extremists and being too over religious.
The easiest example for me in the situation of extremists is the cowboy man in Wolverhampton city centre. The man is persistent in his actions of attempting to convert people to his ideas of a Christian life. However, he is one person that takes his views to the extreme. Serveal times he has had the police talk to him for his methods of converting people, which some say is harassment. But this leads me to question, what sort of institution is this man from, if any, if the leaders are sending him freely out into the city centre attempting to convert people like this?
This is the only single extreme case that I can think of. Another organisation that intrudes on your personal time in an attempt to convert you to their view of a religious life is the Jehovah witnesses, yet not in such an extreme case as the cowboy man.
Jehovah witnesses come to your door and ask if you would mind talking to them about God, your religion and how they live their lives. They are by now where intimidating in their approach, from what I can see, and are not persistent.
As I stated, I am not a religious man yet hold no grudge against those that choose to practice a religion. The problem that I have is when people intrude on your own personal time and attempt to, some may say, brain wash you into believing in something! It is an extreme manor for an orgainised religion to take on in an attempt to covert more to their way.

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