Are drugs ever bad? People always presume that when we say drugs we mean the illegal forms of drugs that frazzle our brains into a supernatural world state. Everyone fails to see that drugs also come in forms that the doctors prescribed to us to make us better from an illness. Also people fail to see that substances such as alcohol and tobacco are also an addictive drug that can, eventually, kill you.
However, getting back to the original questions, it depends. It depends on what drugs you happen to take and in what dose. Silly things, such as ‘weed’, in such a society that we are living today, really isn’t a big issue. For example, I think that the police now don’t even arrest you, if you are over age, for having, under a certain amount, of ‘weed’ on you person. If you are under age then all they do is just take you home. It seems as though we only have to walk down the street to get high off someone else’s fumes.
Although, sometimes, we don’t just stop with the small class drugs. Most people always want to try the next step, the next big thing. This is when, I disagree, and it becomes highly dangerous to you and people around you. When people turn to drugs such as heroine, it is much easier and quicker to become addicted. This can then lead to awful situations, such as stealing off you won family to fund your addiction.
If you want to read true stories of people on drug addictions, here is an website that maybe of some interest;
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